About Us

We are a complete Auction, Realtor, and Appraisal Company serving the midwest since 1890.  We are a 4th generation family business.

We honor our past...

Jim McGuire, Hugh McGuire, and Pat McGuire

We are proud of our present...

Martha Boyle and Marty Boyle 

And we're looking forward to a bright future...

Rachel Boyle and Katie Boyle


Click here to find out the advantages of hiring us!




Pat McGuire(founder)

Pat McGuire


Hugh McGuire(2nd generation)

Hugh McGuire

(2nd generation)

Jim McGuire(3rd generation)

Jim McGuire

(3rd generation)

Martha Boyle(4th generation)

Martha Boyle

(4th generation)

Click on any of our family members to learn more about them.